With sweet passionate Hi's and amative Hello's I shall greet ISHQ with all the ishq that's resting for ISHQ in my Dil, I just wanted to say that I have been more than honored to know a great friend like ISHQ.... well we have shared a lot feelings together, many great moments we have spent filled with laughter and joy, speaking words of wisdom and listening to reason... well let me tell ISHQ something...

Letter of all letters. Word of all words. I may start my lines with romance and passion to describe the most beautiful creature in the entire universe.... she is more than beautiful and sweet. She is so passionate and ishqly ...being with her all the time makes you forget everything and think of one thing which is drawing a heavenly sweet magical smile on her face so you or I can share this sweet moments together ...think of now and tomorrow. Think of the future ...never ever look back; because there is nothing in our past. Only memories and pain sometimes ...look at the life as sweet heaven that you want enjoy it all the time and to enjoy it you have to walk the walks and realize the facts ...walk through its good paths. Moreover, ignore its bad paths. Cause as you know that life is a mysterious adventure filled of surprises; you do not know what is going to happen only God knows.

Writing stories and poems makes me share my feelings with ishq and to tell you about LIFE it self ... believe me I have lived happy all the time by knowing sweet angel like you, every time I tell her something she listens and reads my lines. God I wish that my lines turns to a rose so I can present it with passion and ishq ...well you have touched in me the ishq it self, cause I really believes in you as a great miracle that God had gifted us ...it's so great and amazing thing to ishq ...always ishq, never ever hate ...when you ishq you will meet angels and great friends that you have always dreamed of having them, and today I'm having such great and sweet friend which is ISHQ!!!.... I have always thanked God for having ISHQ in my life ...ISHQ have honored my Dil. ISHQ have kept me smiling all the time. And ISHQ have shared some secrets with me, which made me proud of ISHQ. ISHQ really made me feel just like I'm a part of your life, the life that I will do my best to make ISHQ smiling and happy all the time.... please please please let me have the greatest honor of thanking ISHQ, and to be honest with ISHQ, your absence will really make me feel lonely a lot. God I wish if I can see ISHQ daily, just want to know how are ISHQ doing? Are ISHQ happy? I'm just wondering about ISHQ all the time. Praying for God to keep ISHQ happy and safe forever.

I can say and write a lot. I can print the words of wisdom and ishq  in every  email I write it to ISHQ. However, when I think of how great person ISHQ are, I stop and think seriously ...God how can I really tell her how much do I love her and care about her. She is a great friend of mine. I wish if I can guard her with my  Dil ...so what I should say. What shall I do? I'm just totally confused to tell ISHQ that ISHQ have been the best of the best ...by your caring , mails & long calls ISHQ have taught me how to ishq more and know the greatest meanings of care ... please just let me say that I'm blessed by your sweetness and your kindness ...I shall blow the air and ride the universe to make your dreams and wishes comes true.. Wow, that would be more than honor to me.... Can I say that ISHQ are an angel of all the ishq angels? On the other hand, shall I say that ISHQ are a miracle from God to make me see the bright side of the truth? ...Well here is a little hint from me. ISHQ can live the happiness it self by having friends all around ISHQ. Friends who cares and loves. Friends who really asks about ISHQ when ISHQ are away.... fill your life with friends. ishq your friends ...cherish your friends.... never ever let them down ...cause be sure that one day they would remember how great and sweet friend ISHQ were to them.

Last but not least ...I really thank ISHQ from the bottom of my Dil ...I really thank ISHQ with ishq and passion ... I really thank ISHQ for being with me all the time....part of my  Dil is yours, my happiness and my pleasure is so see ISHQ smiling to me my ishq ... I adore loving ISHQ... your image will be immortal in my Dil forever and ever after.

I will live to help  my friend forever and ever and for now I shall say I really missed ISHQ so much and please please please I wish that the fate let us meet in future by a chance, ISHQ have been my endless ishq and ISHQ will be always my endless ishq, I wish ISHQ endless happiness and immortal ishq forever.

Happiness is never far away, it is as close as the things we do and say, so start out your day with sweet smile on your face and make this world a happier place.

.With pleasure  I shall end my words to see your smile glittering just like what ISHQ are my ishq, my majesty, my star, my beloved Dil.... please take a great care of your self, and always remember! ISHQ are my only ishqly Dil mate; if ISHQ needed anything do not hesitate to email me, because I will be just like your shadow guarding ISHQ with my Dil
